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    Google Cloud 結果共8筆

  • 亞馬遜、谷歌、微軟都來了!全球3大公有雲落地台灣

    2024/06/12 20:17
  • 50萬人爆戶頭「退休金消失」!Google Cloud出包 誤刪全部資料

    退休金「啪」一聲,1秒沒了!Google Cloud大出包,誤刪所有儲存在雲端上的數據。而一間退休金基金理財公司就是使用Google Cloud,管理資金2.6兆,底下超過50萬名用戶「退休金全沒了」,根本無法查看超崩潰。
    2024/05/15 15:47
  • Google Taiwan unveils plan to boost AI literacy

    Google Taiwan’s General Manager Tina Lin announced plans to boost AI development in Taiwan by focusing on talent nurturing, community strengthening, and industry innovation. The company will launch Gemini College, offer an AI literacy program on YouTube, and provide tools like Google AI Studio and Vertex AI. Additionally, a Google Cloud Training program in 2024 aims to involve over 5,000 developers.
    2024/03/14 14:30
  • NYMCU freshman breaks new ground in cybersecurity program

    Tsai Yu-chen, a freshman at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, has made history by being the first student admitted into the prestigious Computer Science program through a special recruitment process that now includes cybersecurity. Tsai’s interest in technology began in junior high when he taught himself networking skills to set up a Minecraft server. He then used his English proficiency to manage the server online and modify Pokémon modules using Google Cloud services, allowing over 100 people to game simultaneously. Tsai’s talent and experience in cybersecurity were further developed during his vocational high school years through the Ministry of Education’s cybersecurity talent development program. As a result, he will soon intern with a leading international AI cybersecurity tech company, focusing on cloud security research. The Office of Recruitment for Specialized Technical Colleges and Universities recognizes the importance of cybersecurity in national security and actively promotes relevant courses in technical high schools. This allows students to acquire cybersecurity skills and pursue further education through specialized college entrance exams and exceptional talent selection processes.
    2023/12/07 21:33
  • 圓周率小數點後第100兆位 Google工程師再破紀錄

    Google旗下日本員工Google Cloud開發技術推廣工程師岩尾(Emma Haruka Iwao)和她的同事再次打破紀錄,算出圓周率小數點後第100兆位,而這個數字是0。
    2022/06/10 08:24
  • 出入8場所得打3劑!Google「一鍵」新增疫苗證明至裝置

    中央流行疫情指揮中心昨(29)日正式宣布疫情管制措施不變口罩令延長,且重申進入8大場所要出示接種3劑疫苗證明,Google Cloud今(30)日表示,自去年開始,協助衛生福利部打造與推出「數位新冠病毒健康證明」,上週更透過系統更新與新功能增加,讓民眾可以將數位證明一鍵新增到 Android 行動裝置中。 
    2022/03/29 10:44
  • Google新海纜連結日本台灣等地 估2024年啟用

    Google今天宣布全新的海底電纜Apricot將連接日本、關島、菲律賓、台灣、新加坡及印尼,預計在2024年啟用,可大幅提升Google Cloud和數位服務的彈性。
    2021/08/16 09:46
  • 谷歌宣布 在北京成立中國AI中心

    谷歌(Google)正式宣布谷歌AI中國中心在北京成立。谷歌雲端(Google Cloud)首席科學家李飛飛表示,中國AI中心的重點將是基礎AI研究,並和中國學術界建立緊密聯繫。
    2017/12/13 15:07
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